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Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System by Abbas et al. (4th Edition) - A Concise and Accessible Introduction to Immunology

Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System by Abbas et al. (4th Edition) - A Concise and Accessible Introduction to Immunology

Immunology is the study of how the body defends itself against infections and other foreign substances. It is a complex and fascinating field that encompasses molecular, cellular and whole organism levels of analysis. Understanding the basic principles of immunology is essential for students and professionals in biomedical sciences, as well as anyone interested in health and disease.

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Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System by Abbas et al. (4th Edition) is a popular textbook that provides a clear and concise overview of immunology. It covers the essential concepts and mechanisms of the immune system, as well as the clinical implications of immunological disorders. The book is organized by function, rather than by cell type or organ system, to help readers grasp the logic and rationale of immunological processes. It also features numerous full-color illustrations, tables, summary boxes, review questions and a glossary of immunology terms to facilitate learning and retention.

The 4th edition of Basic Immunology has been updated to reflect the latest advances and discoveries in immunology, such as innate lymphoid cells, regulatory T cells, mucosal immunity, tumor immunology and immunotherapy. It also includes a new appendix of clinical cases that illustrate how immunology principles apply to real-world scenarios. In addition, the book comes with online access to, which offers an enhanced e-book version, PowerPoint review slides, animations, videos and self-assessment questions.

Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System by Abbas et al. (4th Edition) is an ideal resource for anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of immunology in an engaging and accessible way. It is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as medical students, residents, fellows and practitioners in various fields of medicine.

If you are looking for a free PDF version of this book, you may be able to find it online through various sources[^4^] [^6^], but please be aware that this may violate the copyright laws of your country. Alternatively, you can purchase a hardcopy or an e-book version from reputable online retailers or bookstores.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the immune system and its components, such as innate immunity, antigens, antibodies, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules and antigen presentation. The second part focuses on the activation and effector mechanisms of adaptive immunity, such as T cell and B cell responses, cell-mediated and humoral immunity, and mucosal and regional immunity. The third part covers the disorders and dysfunctions of the immune system, such as immunological tolerance and autoimmunity, immunity to microbes and tumors, transplantation immunology, hypersensitivity disorders, atopic disease and immunodeficiencies.

The book is written in a clear and concise style that makes it easy to follow and understand. The authors explain the concepts and mechanisms of immunology using examples and analogies that illustrate their relevance and importance. The book also emphasizes the clinical aspects of immunology by highlighting the diseases and conditions that result from abnormal immune responses or deficiencies. The book also provides a historical perspective on the development of immunology as a science and a medical discipline.

The book is designed to help readers achieve the following learning objectives: to understand the basic principles of immunology; to appreciate the experimental basis of immunology; to apply immunological knowledge to clinical problems; to develop critical thinking skills in immunology; and to stimulate interest and curiosity in immunology. The book is intended to serve as a comprehensive introduction to immunology for students and professionals who have a basic background in biology and biochemistry. e0e6b7cb5c


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